Monday, September 9, 2013


As mentioned earlier, we began DIBELS last what is DIBELS testing? Here is the explanation from the test makers themselves:

What are DIBELS?
Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) are a set of assessments used for universal screening and progress monitoring in grades K-6. They are standardized, efficient and extensively researched.

What do DIBELS do? They help educators identify students who may need additional literacy instruction in order to become proficient readers. DIBELS can be an integral part of most RTI (Response to Intervention) programs.

In short, the second grade DIBELS test measures reading rate, accuracy, and retell. Students are given a short passage and are asked to read for one minute. The teacher listens carefully and marks mistakes as well as where the student finishes. After the student is done reading, they retell what they remember. This is completed a total of three times and the median score is taken.

DIBELS scores will allow classroom instruction to be individualized and based on student needs. The test is given three times a year for students who meet the established benchmark. If students have fallen below the benchmark, they will be DIBELed on a weekly or every other week schedule.

I will share more about DIBELS testing during Parent Information Night on Tuesday. If you would like more information on your child's beginning of the year DIBELS score, please feel free to schedule a conference.

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