Monday, September 2, 2013

Odds and Ends

Good Afternoon Everyone!

I hope that you all had a fabulous long weekend. Having four days off was a great opportunity to reflect on a great first week. Mrs. Countryman, Mrs. Stoner, and myself are extremely excited for a fabulous year. This past week was spent getting to know one another, setting up classroom routines & procedures as well as completing baseline assessments.

I have received most beginning of the year paperwork back. Thank you all for being so prompt. I know that it is a lot when you have a child (or children) bring home all those papers to sign. This information is very important to us in order to keep you children safe and have everything run smoothly. Additionally, thank you for going online and registering yourself as a parent on Class Dojo. In order to give the students a better visual of their performance throughout the day, I have attached "losing points" to the color system. If a child loses one point throughout the day, they will be on "yellow". This is simply a warning. If they have two points taken away they are on "blue". When a student is on "blue" they will be required to walk the track for half of their recess. After the child loses three points they will be on "orange" they will lose their whole recess and you will be notified through telephone call about your child's behavior. On the child's fourth point loss, they will lose all their recess and both parents and the office will be notified. Students are able to earn positive points throughout the day, however, their color will remain static. For example, a child loses a point for calling out he/ she will be placed on "yellow". Even though they earn points back for positive behavior, their color will remain the same. An explanation of the color system will be placed in their DOLPHIN Binder and children will keep track of their behavior on a calendar which will also be kept in their binder.

I will be updating our blog with our learning for the week soon. Please check back frequently!

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